Achieving Goals: Design a Road Map & Calligraphed Vision Board

Do you have a creative passion or dream? Do you feel overwhelmed wondering where and how to start bringing it to reality? Or do you need help pinpointing what sort of goal you'd like to achieve in the first place?

Using tried and true methods that helped me create the business off my dreams, we will build a road map and vision board together to get you going down the right path towards successfully achieving your goal with clarity, confidence and calligraphy, too.

Note: Your goal doesn't have to be big and exciting. No goal is too small!

Want to join us for class? It's offered on-demand and available now for all Tier 2 students.  Some classes are also available to Tier 1 students. Click here to see the Tier 1 Class Listing.  

How to Access Your Members-Only Class:

  • Go to
  • Log in to your account
  • Click on Classroom
  • Click on Tier 2 -- Class Archive
  • Click on Goals

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Download a Free Calligraphy Getting Started Guide

When you subscribe, we will send a 14-page printable packet to your inbox with a supply list, instructions, anatomy of the guideline, a minuscule exemplar, 5 traceable worksheets, and several different guideline sheets. Welcome to the world of beautiful writing!