If you’ve been wanting to add a level of sophistication to the greeting cards you make, or you’ve never tried to make one but want to learn, this class will show you step by step. Making cards by hand to sell or gift infuses your personality into what you’ve made and is also very gratifying when you know how your creation has touched another person’s heart. By the end of this class, you will know how to make a feminine and masculine layered birthday card that’s perfect for celebrating the recipient!
Want to join us for class? It's offered on-demand and...
Find out how cutting your own pens can improve your connection to your writing as we take a deep dive into the art of pen cutting. Have you ever looked at a picture of somebody writing with a feather, and wondered: "How did they do that?" All of your questions can be answered with this course! In this easy-to-understand class, we'll take the mystery out of this traditional craft and bring it back into our every day lives. We'll be covering topics like:
In this class, I will be showing you how I repurpose my calligraphy artworks – that are sometimes scattered and under appreciated after being posted on Instagram – into cutouts for beautiful journal pages. Additionally, I will also use my journal for memorable quotes, combine them with small ephemera like old movie tickets and decorate them with stickers, washi tapes and old papers. I will show you my favorite tools and how I make layouts to make it look balanced. This way, by flipping pages, I can go down memory lane and appreciate my creations in a new way.
Note: I won’t be teaching calligraphy, but you can write in normal handwriting or cursive, using fountain pens or any of your favorite tools.
Want to join us for class? It's offered on-demand and available now for all Tier 2 students. Some classes are also available to Tier 1 students. Click here to see the Tier 1 Class Listing.
..."We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents."
Bob Ross
Did you hear the news? We are launching new classes at KCA and couldn't be more excited! The first class is already inside the classroom, Monoline Italic with Sonia Pal.
In the coming months, you will be seeing new offerings added to your active Kalli Camp Academy membership. We are on track to add a new class every month moving forward.
Here are some of the new offerings you can expect to see:
with Sonia Pal @asquarewatermelon
with Sabine @federverliebt
with Sabine @federverliebt
with Nana @thecreativekinds
with Allison McClanahan @wildwoodcalligraphyandpost
with Allison...
When you subscribe, we will send a 14-page printable packet to your inbox with a supply list, instructions, anatomy of the guideline, a minuscule exemplar, 5 traceable worksheets, and several different guideline sheets. Welcome to the world of beautiful writing!