If you’ve been wanting to add a level of sophistication to the greeting cards you make, or you’ve never tried to make one but want to learn, this class will show you step by step. Making cards by hand to sell or gift infuses your personality into what you’ve made and is also very gratifying when you know how your creation has touched another person’s heart. By the end of this class, you will know how to make a feminine and masculine layered birthday card that’s perfect for celebrating the recipient!
Want to join us for class? It's offered on-demand and...
Whether this is your first bookbinding class or you are an experienced binder, the journal you make will be unique to you. This journal is versatile, it can be made any size and with a horizontal or vertical orientation. You will learn the link stitch, the kettle stitch and other bookbinding terms. I hope you fall in love with bookbinding!
Want to join us for class? It's offered on-demand and available now for all Tier 2 students. Some classes are also available to Tier 1 students. Click here to see the Tier 1 Class Listing.
Welcome to the watercolor maps class! This is a class about making a decorative map with watercolors. You'll learn how to take a digital map and, using procreate to trace, put it on paper and paint it. We will also cover some painting techniques to add detail to the colors and areas of the map.
Want to join us for class? It's offered on-demand and available now for all Tier 2 students. Some classes are also available to Tier 1 students. Click here to see the Tier 1 Class Listing.
In this class, I will be showing you how I repurpose my calligraphy artworks – that are sometimes scattered and under appreciated after being posted on Instagram – into cutouts for beautiful journal pages. Additionally, I will also use my journal for memorable quotes, combine them with small ephemera like old movie tickets and decorate them with stickers, washi tapes and old papers. I will show you my favorite tools and how I make layouts to make it look balanced. This way, by flipping pages, I can go down memory lane and appreciate my creations in a new way.
Note: I won’t be teaching calligraphy, but you can write in normal handwriting or cursive, using fountain pens or any of your favorite tools.
Want to join us for class? It's offered on-demand and available now for all Tier 2 students. Some classes are also available to Tier 1 students. Click here to see the Tier 1 Class Listing.
...Now that you have designed your wedding invitations, it’s time to get them ready to submit for the printer. Not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered. This class by Allison McClanahan @wildwoodcalligraphyandpost takes you through setting up your artwork for the printer using Adobe Photoshop.
No more turning down wedding invitation jobs because they seem over your head!
We are taking the mystery out of stationery design and giving you all the tools you need for quick and easy design and production. Join us for our 3-part Invitation Suite Design Series taught by Allison McClanahan, a bespoke stationery designer and calligrapher.
Our first class started with designing a watercolor crest, teaching you how to create stationery artwork and digitize it for printing. In Part 2 you will learn all the ins and outs of the wedding invitation suite.
We’re talking paper sizes, paper types and colors, printing methods, wording and etiquette, layouts and artwork ideas, and all the bells and whistles to add. Did someone say ribbons and wax seals? Allison takes you in to her tried-and-true design process and walks you step by step through how to work with wedding clients from start to finish.
You’ll learn about creating look books, what to use for design...
Homework Challenge: #kcajapanesestabbinding
Japanese Stab Binding is exactly what it sounds like. Books are bound together after the binder stabs holes along the left spine and sews thread through the holes to bind the book. It can be the standard 4-Hole Japanese Stab Binding called "Yotsume Toji" that I taught last year or it can be more intricate in design like the Hemp Leaf Binding or "Asa-No-Ha Toji".
I will be showing you how to create a simple Inner Binding to hold the inside pages together as well as the Noble Binding or "Koki Toji" along with the Hemp Leaf Binding.
Topics Covered:
My name is Allison McClanahan, and I am a calligrapher and stationer. For my wedding clients, I work with ribbon and wax seals which makes a piece of mail extra fun to receive. In this class, I’ll show you my favorite methods for creating wax seals and tying ribbons.
If you love the look of foil as I do, this class is sure to inspire you! Whether you want to add an elegant touch to personalize handmade cards, scrapbooks, journals, photos, gifts, home decor, and more, having the ability to foil your calligraphy is sure to be eye-catching to your recipients. This class will walk you through the steps of how to use the foil quill pen on various surfaces in several different projects. From cards to envelope addressing, to place cards and ribbon, I am excited about showing you how to add a personal touch with foil to your designs.
Today, we will create lovely carnations that will never wilt. You can use any color of your choice. You can use a wedge paintbrush or a paintbrush with an angled edge. A wedge paintbrush is a must-have in your collection of paintbrushes. I have some suggestions under "Watercolor" (Community) for where to get these brushes. They are often on sale so shop around!
- Wedge brush or Triangle brush (ex: Beste or Silver Ruby)
- Round brush (size 6 or smaller)
- Any color that you would...
When you subscribe, we will send a 14-page printable packet to your inbox with a supply list, instructions, anatomy of the guideline, a minuscule exemplar, 5 traceable worksheets, and several different guideline sheets. Welcome to the world of beautiful writing!