Have you ever been tempted to try modern calligraphy? Not sure where to begin? Well, this class is for you! Modern calligraphy boasts a very wide range of styles and is perfect for creating your trademark look! That being said, modern calligraphy can easily get out of hand without a set of rules to work within. In this class, you will learn a basic majuscule alphabet that is very similar to copperplate with a few exceptions. We will also discuss small changes that can be made to each letterform that can drastically change the look of your script while still staying within a set of basic rules. This will help your script to appear whimsical and beautiful while maintaining the integrity of the letterforms! At the end of the class, you'll create your own alphabet using the techniques we discuss in the lesson. So let's get started!
Have you ever been tempted to try modern calligraphy? Not sure where to begin? Well, this class is for you! Modern calligraphy boasts a very wide range of styles and is perfect for creating your trademark look! That being said, modern calligraphy can easily get out of hand without a set of rules to work within. In this class, you will learn a basic alphabet that is very similar to copperplate with a few exceptions. We will also discuss small changes that can be made to each letterform that can drastically change the look of your script while still staying within a set of basic rules. This will help your script to appear whimsical and beautiful while maintaining the integrity of the letterforms! At the end of the class, you'll create your own alphabet using the techniques we discuss in the lesson. So let's get started!
In this class, you'll learn how to do brush lettering in ballet script! This is a light, dancing script that is fun to write.
You'll learn:
• How to hold the pen
• Where to lift the pen on each letter
• How to write each letter of the script
• How to keep your letters looking thin and wispy
• Pentel touch sign pen, Tombow fudenosuke, or any other small brush pen or even pencil
• Paper
• The class guidelines
Your homework is to write a favorite quote with this script....
There is nothing like taking your copperplate majuscules to the next level. In this class you will learn how to take a few of the foundational copperplate majuscule strokes, twist them just a little, and begin creating your own modern script.
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Materials Needed
Want to see our students' homework? Search the hashtag #kcaabcrelays...
Copperplate is all about uniformity and symmetry but by making a few simple changes to it, you can create a beautiful and whimsical modern script.
Want to see our students' homework? Search the hashtag #kcamoderntwist on Instagram to see samples from this week's homework. Our students who participate in this challenge get entered into a drawing to win prizes.
Ready to try Modern Calligraphy? In this class we'll be learning the fundamentals of brush lettering based off Malka's signature calligraphy style! Just watch her easy-to-follow steps and before you know it you'll be on your way to lettering a favorite quote of your own beautifully! Can't wait to see how you incorporate your own handwriting and flair to create a piece that is uniquely yours!
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When you subscribe, we will send a 14-page printable packet to your inbox with a supply list, instructions, anatomy of the guideline, a minuscule exemplar, 5 traceable worksheets, and several different guideline sheets. Welcome to the world of beautiful writing!