How to Digitize Calligraphy

allison calligraphy digital Oct 04, 2020

Being able to digitize your calligraphy is a vital skill to have if you want to start making reproductions of your work (like cards or wedding stationery!). Being able to drag your calligraphy, move script around, and even change the color will allow you to take your calligraphy to new places!

Topics Covered

  • Scanning your work into the computer and opening it in Photoshop
  • How to prep your scanned in file in photoshop
  • How to delete the white paper background so that you can create moveable script
  • How to separate script so that you can move different words and letters independently.
  • How to change the color of script
  • How to insert your script into another photo

Want to join us for class? It's offered on-demand and available now for all Tier 2 students.  Some classes are also available to Tier 1 students. Click here to see the Tier 1 Class Listing.  

How to Access Your Members-Only Class:

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Painting With Walnut Ink

If you think painting with watercolor, acrylic, or oil-based paints is fun, wait until you try painting with walnut ink. It's a beautiful medium to work with and so versatile.

Topics Covered

  • Making walnut ink from walnut ink crystals
  • Various ink painting techniques
  • Painting a simple landscape 
  • Painting a flower
  • Creative ways to write with walnut ink 

Want to join us for class? It's offered on-demand and available now for all Tier 2 students.  Some classes are also available to Tier 1 students. Click here to see the Tier 1 Class Listing.  

How to Access Your Members-Only Class:

  • Go to
  • Log in to your account
  • Click on Classroom
  • Click on Tier 2 -- Class Archive
  • Click on Watercolor and Painting

Enroll in Tier 2

 Materials Needed

  • pointed nib
  • oblique or straight nib holder
  • variety of round paint brushes, small to medium size
  • small paint palate or small plates or bowls
  • walnut ink
  • ...
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Hand Lettered Glass Signs

In this class, you’ll learn:

  • Preferred supplies for glass lettering,
  • Two methods for achieving a high quality design from a sketch,
  • How to best use a paint pen on a slick surface,
  • Purposes and uses for glass letting projects. 

After joining in on this class, you’ll be well equipped to beautifully create glass signage for your own personal needs, a sweet personalized gift, or even for your business or special event!

Want to join us for class? It's offered on-demand and available now for all Tier 2 students.  Some classes are also available to Tier 1 students. Click here to see the Tier 1 Class Listing.  

How to Access Your Members-Only Class:

  • Go to
  • Log in to your account
  • Click on Classroom
  • Click on Tier 2 -- Class Archive
  • Click on Hand Letting on Various Surfaces

Enroll in Tier 2

Materials Needed:

    • Glass (can be any kind: window, picture frame, mirror, etc.)
    • Sharpie Oil-Based Paint...
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Achieving Goals: Design a Road Map & Calligraphed Vision Board

Do you have a creative passion or dream? Do you feel overwhelmed wondering where and how to start bringing it to reality? Or do you need help pinpointing what sort of goal you'd like to achieve in the first place?

Using tried and true methods that helped me create the business off my dreams, we will build a road map and vision board together to get you going down the right path towards successfully achieving your goal with clarity, confidence and calligraphy, too.

Note: Your goal doesn't have to be big and exciting. No goal is too small!

Want to join us for class? It's offered on-demand and available now for all Tier 2 students.  Some classes are also available to Tier 1 students. Click here to see the Tier 1 Class Listing.  

How to Access Your Members-Only Class:

  • Go to
  • Log in to your account
  • Click on Classroom
  • Click on Tier 2 -- Class Archive
  • Click on Goals

Enroll in Tier 2


  • Notebook/...
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Intro to Hebrew Calligraphy

Now that we've learned how to make a Hanukkah card, let’s boost your confidence when it comes to writing Hebrew letters. In this class, Ezra Feller will teach you a foundational script, which will give you a better understanding of how the Hebrew letters are constructed, so that you will be able to give them your own personal touch. Anything goes, as long as the basic structure remains recognizable and legible. I will also show you one variation of each letter. 

Want to join us for class? It's offered on-demand and available now for all Tier 2 students.  Some classes are also available to Tier 1 students. Click here to see the Tier 1 Class Listing.  

How to Access Your Members-Only Class:

  • Go to
  • Log in to your account
  • Click on Classroom
  • Click on Tier 2
  • Scroll to Current Classes


Materials Needed:

  • Pilot parallel pen or a broad edge nib (Speedball LEFT handed nib if you are right...
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Copperplate Calligraphy With a Modern Twist pt. 2: Majuscules

There is nothing like taking your copperplate majuscules to the next level. In this class you will learn how to take a few of the foundational copperplate majuscule strokes, twist them just a little, and begin creating your own modern script.

Topics Covered

  • Copperplate majuscule review
  • Modern variations 
  • Instruction on self-critique

Want to join us for class? It's offered on-demand and available now for all Tier 2 students.  Some classes are also available to Tier 1 students. Click here to see the Tier 1 Class Listing.  

How to Access Your Members-Only Class:

  • Go to
  • Log in to your account
  • Click on Classroom
  • Click on Tier 2 -- Class Archive
  • Click on Modern Calligraphy

Enroll in Tier 2

 Materials Needed

  • Pointed Pen Nib holder
  • Nib
  • Pen or pencil
  • Ink
  • Paper
  • The guidelines in our KCA handout for students

Homework Challenge

Want to see our students' homework? Search the hashtag #kcaabcrelays...

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Digital Coloring Page DIY with Procreate

In this class, you’ll learn:

  • Basic digital lettering skills and functions of Procreate on the iPad,
  • How to import Procreate brushes from a file,
  • Tips for successful Procreate lettering projects,
  • How to use your own lettering to create a coloring page for any occasion.

After joining in on this class, you’ll be well equipped to create fun and stress-relieving coloring sheets for your own personal enjoyment, a sweet personalized gift, or even for your business needs!

Want to join us for class? It's offered on-demand and available now for all Tier 2 students.  Some classes are also available to Tier 1 students. Click here to see the Tier 1 Class Listing.  

How to Access Your Members-Only Class:

  • Go to
  • Log in to your account
  • Click on Classroom
  • Click on Tier 2
  • Scroll to Current Classes

Enroll in Tier 2

Materials Needed:

(Please note that while this is a course geared toward digital...

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Envelope Art - Floral Borders

Got mail to send? Have you thought about decorating the front (and back) of that envelope? How many times have you seen a beautifully decorated envelope and thought to yourself, "That's gorgeous!" but stopped because it either looked too difficult or time consuming? Well, envelope art can be as simple as putting some creative lettering on the front or complex with intricate flourishes and designs. This class is about finding that middle ground with floral borders that you can easily create a handful at a time and have envelopes ready to address and mail!

Topics Covered

  • Examples 
  • Finding inspiration from what is inside the envelope
  • How to decant watercolors from your pans to a palette
  • A large loose floral element on one corner (front and back) and outlining it to make it pop
  • Using masking tape to create a border
  • How to use a wedge brush and a round brush for each floral element
  • How to create a floral border with just paint and another with outlines and a last one without...
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All Things Snail Mail - From Postage to Envelope Liners

Sending old fashioned letters through the mail is a beautiful way to use your calligraphy. It brings joy to the receiver, and is relatively inexpensive! It can be so much fun, but you can't necessarily just stick any stamp on any envelope... different ink requires different postage amounts as does different weights, sizes, and even lumpiness! Then what do you actually put into the letter? It may be easy to write a page (or four!) to your best friend, but what if you want to send mail to someone you don't know well (like in the KCA Snail Mail Database)? I have you covered in this class.

Topics Covered

  • Postage- how much it costs to mail a letter and what costs extra
  • What to put inside the envelope, especially if you don't know the recipient well
  • Some formal etiquette do's and don'ts
  • How to make an envelope liner

Want to join us for class? It's offered on-demand and available now for all Tier 2 students.  Some classes are also available to Tier 1 students. ...

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Designing a Hanuka Postcard

In this class, you'll learn to design your very own hand-painted and embellished postcard using gold leaf, watercolors, and a little ancient history.  You'll get a quick background on the menorah motif, as well as a thorough tutorial on gold leaf application and some beginner watercolor techniques. Calligraph a short message on the back of your postcard and ship it off to a loved one who celebrates the Festival of Lights to illuminate their day! 

Topics Covered:

  • Gold leaf for illustrative elements & calligraphy
  • Wet on dry watercolor technique
  • Ancient art history context 
  • Appropriate holiday greetings

Want to join us for class? It's offered on-demand and available now for all Tier 2 students.  Some classes are also available to Tier 1 students. Click here to see the Tier 1 Class Listing.  

How to Access Your Members-Only Class:

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Download a Free Calligraphy Getting Started Guide

When you subscribe, we will send a 14-page printable packet to your inbox with a supply list, instructions, anatomy of the guideline, a minuscule exemplar, 5 traceable worksheets, and several different guideline sheets. Welcome to the world of beautiful writing!